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Tom Sizemore Has No Chance of Recovery following Stroke, Rep Says

LOS ANGELES – A representative of actor Tom Sizemore who is now in a coma after he suffered a brain aneurysm from a stroke on Feb. 19, has no chance of recovery and added that his family will now make an end-of-life decision regarding his condition.

The actor, known for portraying Sgt. Horvath in 1998’s “Saving Private Ryan,” has been in critical condition and a coma in the intensive care unit of Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center in Burbank since he suffered a stroke. But Sizemore’s rep, Charles Lago, confirmed in a statement that there is no longer any chance for his recovery.

“Today, doctors informed his family that there is no further hope and have recommended end-of-life decision,” Lago said in a statement, “family is now deciding end-of-life matters.”

Sizemore was found at his Los Angeles home in the early morning unconscious after he had collapsed following the stroke. He was transported to the L.A.-area hospital, where he had been under observation in the intensive care unit.

Known as the loyal sergeant to star Tom Hanks’ character Capt. Miller, Sizemore delivered the iconic line near the end of the film: “Some day we might look back on this and decide that saving Private Ryan was the one decent thing we were able to pull out of this godawful s***ty mess.”


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